Saturday, March 19, 2011

oh, were you sleeping?

my mom and i will be moving in may.

and i took a nap this afternoon.

this entry is dedicated to my mom. don't worry, ma- the new apartment will work out great.

as i drifted into this dream, the scene around me made no significant change from reality. i laid there on my bed as the sun found its way through the blinds, making warm patches of bright light on the opaque white of my down blanket. i dosed and dazed, but was abruptly interrupted when i heard the clamor of clumsy entry through the front door. two uneducated-sounding male voices bantered back and forth as they seemed to be making their way towards my room, where i was... erm... less than decently dressed.
"she said they were in here, right?"
"yeah, this way"
"and there are four mattresses?"
"yeah, four mattresses and box springs. and the big one's in here"
"you got the ladder?"
i pulled the blanket up to my chin as i stared at my bedroom door, and watched as the sweaty, overweight movers stumbled in. they attempted to pull out my box spring from underneath my mattress and were actually successful. i land with my pillow top with a big thump as the height of the box spring is removed from beneath me.
"oh, were you sleeping?" one of the movers asks me as he slams the large frame against pretty much everything in my room, including the sliding mirror doors to my closet. the large clang that came from my closet made something within it catch my eye. sitting on the highest shelf was my old twin size bed set that i slept on as a kid. just as i realized what it was i looked up to find the movers had already gone, leaving me with a destroyed room, and a bed without a box spring.
i'd recognize that sneeze anywhere. it was jessica, my sister, who sounded like she was in the living room.
i threw on a t-shirt, grabbed the twin bed set (which was lighter than air) and walked out into the den where my mother and sister were sitting on the couch in pajamas of their own.
"didn't you say you needed a bed for catherine" i asked my sister. her daughter turns three tomorrow (literally, tomorrow) and she's been slowly transitioning into a big girl bed from her crib.
"yeah, why?" (clearly, she didn't notice the bed, box spring, headboard and frame tucked underneath my arm)
"well, i pulled these down for you"
"WHY? why does she need those? why? what's up?" my mom was particularly inquisitive...
"um, duh, ma. catherine" my mom began to stand up, and the scene begins to fade.
i'm back in my bed and i'm awake.

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